Volunteer With Us

Who is Eligible to Volunteer?

Anyone 18 years of age or older, is encouraged to complete our interest form. In order to volunteer, each volunteer must pass a background check and complete our volunteer paperwork and orientation. Minimum age of volunteers not supervising youth is 13, minimum age of volunteers supervising youth is 15.  All volunteers under the age of  18, please contact the Club for more details. 

What Can Volunteers Do?

BGCLC has many ways for individuals and groups to share their time and talents with BGCLC youth and our organization.

Individual volunteers are able to share their time and talents in some of the following rewarding ways:

  • One-on-one mentoring
  • Tutor youth in various subjects
  • Assist staff in the classroom (i.e. pass out materials, help youth do each activity, help clean up, etc.)
  • Develop and run a specific program with our youth
  • Read to our youth
  • Speak to our youth about your life or career path
  • Work at one of our fundraising events
  • Wrap presents during the holidays
  • Assist our administrative office with specific projects
  • Complete your Eagle Scout project
  • and more!

Impactful group volunteer opportunities can include:

  • Special Theme Days during school breaks at one of our sites
  • Host a group of our youth at another location
  • Have our youth tour your company
  • Host a build a bike or similar event with your group
  • Beautification projects (i.e. deep cleaning, painting, landscaping, etc.)
  • Assist in the classroom
  • Host supply, snack, or gift drives
  • Read to our youth
  • Conduct workshops or speaker series at our various sites
  • Develop and run special activities with our youth
  • and more!

How Do I Become a Volunteer?

Before volunteers can begin, they must complete a volunteer application, background check, and attend a volunteer orientation.

Use the button below to complete our Volunteer Interest Form to begin the process. Please contact Candace May at cmay@bgclc.org with any questions.

Groups interested in volunteering contact Candace May at cmay@bgclc.org to discuss current needs, group interests, and availability.

Complete Our Volunteer Interest Form
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